Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Just Things....

We had the most glorious day yesterday.. 18c and I opened my windows for the very first time this year.. what a wonderful much sunshine.. just wanted to sit outside and soak it up all day.. I went for a walk down the driveway and back... it's a nice little  jaunt.. 1/2 mile by the time you get back .. once things turn green it will be marvelous... I checked some of my flower beds.. and there's little shoots poking up.. and 3 blooming violas in the rock garden.. how sweet is that? Spring is really really coming!!! Yay!!!!!
I finished up the napkin holder order and it's ready to deliver.. with a couple of extras for the sale this weekend...
I don't feel ready for this sale.. but then in retrospect I never do so will go with what I have...and be happy. I have a couple of pieces to varnish and some to price.. I will start packing tonight after work and then hopefully be able to pack the car tomorrow night.. it will be their first spring sale but the christmas ones are lovely so don't expect much less of this one.. It's a fundraiser for the grads so the kids are there when you drive up.. and help you unload and get everything to your booth.. and when its time for pack up.. they are right there to help as well.. makes for a less stressful sale for sure.. sometimes it's the little things that make you feel so good..
I did do a challenge for the I am the Diva I am not sure it meets the criteria for the challenge but oooh I love the white on navy.. My gel pen worked for most of it.. but was getting a little funky towards the end so not quite as neat as I would have like it..
Don't forget if you haven't signed up for the Sweet Summertime Hugs Giveaway at OFG to do so.....
Yesterday I met a lovely lady from Manitoba on Facebook that has a giveaway with all the vendors being from Manitoba...Cynthia Korman Photography & Design that is having a fan giveaway on her blog..Raindrops & Moonlight so take a look at what talented peeps we have here in Manitoba..and sign up for the chance to win some beautiful prizes.
I think my sign in page for my sketchbook is almost finished.. keep looking at it and so maybe not..
Look what my girlfriend gave me... was very excited.. I love boxes.. have quite a collection of them all shapes and sizes.. can hardly wait to do something with this one..
Well.. enough rambling for one morning.. thanks for stopping in.. and making it through all this... Hope you have a loverly and creative day..


  1. YAY! SPRING! You must be so excited... I'm excited still, too! :D I love spring!

    (And now should I stop rambling about spring with lots of exclamation points and capital letters? LOL)

    Have a great [SPRING!] day! ;D

  2. I, too, am a sucker for boxes and containers of all descriptions - particularly tiny ones or exceptionally beautiful or clever ones! Your napkin holders are very nicely done and I like your tangle, too. You must be very busy these days!

  3. I'm so glad that you're finally getting to see some signs of spring! And the windows open, what a joy!! Airing out the house always makes me feel amazing! Good luck with the show, it sounds wonderful to have all that help unloading and packing up again. It's one of the things I dislike about craft shows... way, way too much work! ;)

  4. good luck at your craft show and i hope spring finally arrives for your boxes too....

  5. That Peaches and Cream box is beautiful!
    I must admit, I was a little relieved to hear you say you weren't quite finished with your sign in, I've got mine done, but my "ME" pages are not and neither is the part where we write about what we did.....I was getting nervous when I saw how many people had already sent theirs out!
    Enjoy your weather- spring is the BEST!
    Oh and good luck with your show!

  6. Good morning... Thanks too.. so nice to see things changing.. absolutely love it!!
    Thanks Christina.. am crazy for boxes.. love little ones too.. maybe one day I'll put them all together and take a pic...glad you like my tangle and the girl picked up her napkin holder and loved it..
    lol Melinda.. me too.. think I am getting too old for this stuff... I think that's the best part of spring.. second is hanging the laundry out.. love it!
    Thanks Jen... it is here! glad you like.. still a date on sunday???
    I know Stephanie.. nothing is finished here.. half the sign in.. half the me pages..nothing on the write in page..glad I'm not the only one not done.. lol yes spring is the best and thank you for the good luck wishes...
    thanks everyone.. will report back on how it goes...

  7. Kathy, that`s a very speciale looks like a spiderweb and in the left corner the spider is watching...and your boxes are wonderful!

  8. Thanks Devona.. I love this white on color.. hadn't thot of a spider web.. but you're right... xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment..I love to hear what you think.. always have time to listen and reply(somewhat slowly at times)but always appreciated...xx